在陽光暴露前 15 分鐘充分塗抹本產品 游泳或出汗時使用防水抗曬霜。 至少每 2 小時重新塗抹一次。 6 個月以下嬰兒:謹遵照醫生指示 抗曬措施: 請定期使用全譜 SPF 值為 15 或更高的抗曬霜。限制在陽光下的時間,特別是上午 10 點到下午 2 點。 穿長袖上衣、褲子,戴帽子、太陽鏡
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cet/cet88900/u/2.jpg">
含全譜 SPF 20 抗曬霜 易發紅肌膚 中和紅腫並均勻膚色的有色配方。 保濕和舒緩刺激或敏感肌膚。 無致痘性 無香料 UVA/UVB 保護 這款中性有色保濕霜能夠為天然、保護性皮膚屏障補充水分,使其得到舒緩和平衡。它是一種輕盈的抗曬配方,能夠滋潤乾燥的肌膚,幫助減少因皮膚乾燥而出現的紅腫。
要想獲得完整的皮膚護理方案,請在使用 Cetaphil 紅腫緩解日用保濕霜和全譜 SPF20 抗曬霜前,使用 Cetaphil 泡沫洗面乳。
使用方法: 有助於防止曬傷。
保濕,幫助減少因皮膚乾燥而出現的紅腫。 中和紅腫並均勻膚色的有色配方。 礦物質抗曬霜 不會阻塞毛孔,無香 經皮膚科醫生開發和測試
在陽光暴露前 15 分鐘充分塗抹本產品 游泳或出汗時使用防水抗曬霜。 至少每 2 小時重新塗抹一次。 6 個月以下嬰兒:謹遵照醫生指示 抗曬措施: 請定期使用全譜 SPF 值為 15 或更高的抗曬霜。限制在陽光下的時間,特別是上午 10 點到下午 2 點。 穿長袖上衣、褲子,戴帽子、太陽鏡
網路價:426元,結帳享5%折扣後 405 元
Apply liberally 15 minutes before sun exposure.
Use a water resistant sunscreen if swimming or sweating. Reapply at least every 2 hours. Children under 6 months: ask a doctor. Use in combination with a complete regimen of Cetaphil cleansers and moisturizers for your daily skin care needs.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cet/cet93002/u/0.jpg">
With Sunscren SPF 50+ Face - All Skin Types Non-Comedogenic Non-Irritating Fragrance Free This clinically proven facial moisturizer nourishes and hydrates your skin while helping to defend against sunburn.
All day moisturizer leaves skin feeling soft and smooth.
Uses - Helps prevent sunburn.
Apply liberally 15 minutes before sun exposure.
Use a water resistant sunscreen if swimming or sweating. Reapply at least every 2 hours. Children under 6 months: ask a doctor. Use in combination with a complete regimen of Cetaphil cleansers and moisturizers for your daily skin care needs.
網路價:589元,結帳享5%折扣後 560 元
用於抗曬: 在陽光曝曬前 15 分鐘隨意塗抹。 至少每 2 小時重新塗抹一次。 游泳或出汗時使用防水抗曬霜。 抗曬措施: 請定期使用全譜 SPF 值為 15 或更高的抗曬霜。 減少待在陽光下的時間,尤其是從上午 10 點至下午 2 點。 穿長袖上衣、褲子,戴帽子、太陽鏡。 6 個月以下兒童:謹遵醫囑。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cve/cve53746/u/2.jpg">
由皮膚科醫生開發 全譜抗曬霜 SPF 30 本產品含3種必需神經醯胺、煙醯胺和透明質酸 無油 皮膚癌基金會推薦每日使用 有助於全天保濕滋潤,修復肌膚屏障。
CeraVe 日間面部保濕乳液 在皮膚科醫生的協助下,我們成功研發出這款配方獨特的產品,其中包含 3 種重要的天然保濕因數,有助於全天保濕滋潤,同時修復肌膚屏障。
MVE 緩釋技術,有助於實現全天補水保濕 - 控制釋放全天保濕。不會堵塞毛孔 - 不會刺激粉刺痘痘產生,不會堵塞毛孔。InVisibleZinc 技術 - 氧化鋅微細顆粒,易於塗抹,塗抹後質地無色透明。不含香料 - 避免香味刺激。
用於抗曬: 在陽光曝曬前 15 分鐘隨意塗抹。 至少每 2 小時重新塗抹一次。 游泳或出汗時使用防水抗曬霜。 抗曬措施: 請定期使用全譜 SPF 值為 15 或更高的抗曬霜。 減少待在陽光下的時間,尤其是從上午 10 點至下午 2 點。 穿長袖上衣、褲子,戴帽子、太陽鏡。 6 個月以下兒童:謹遵醫囑。
網路價:599元,結帳享5%折扣後 570 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cet/cet88904/u/2.jpg">
針對易發紅肌膚 本款產品適用於因乾燥導致的易發紅肌膚的舒緩,效果顯著。 使用本款產品,可通過滋潤乾燥、刺激皮膚明顯優化肌膚紋理。 不會阻塞毛孔,不含香精。 經皮膚科醫生開發和測試。
網路價:426元,結帳享5%折扣後 405 元
為了獲得更好的使用體驗,請在潔面後使用 Cetaphil 潔面乳。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cet/cet88902/u/15.jpg">
面部 - 乾性至正常皮膚 全天候補充水分和溫柔地滋養肌膚 不會堵塞毛孔 經皮膚科測試 無香料 這款滋養霜有助於鎖住皮膚水分,保護皮膚不乾燥,同時溫和舒緩皮膚。
加強肌膚的天然保濕屏障,防止肌膚乾燥 含透明質酸,維生素原複合物和橄欖萃取精華 溫和舒緩滋養肌膚 來自溫和肌膚專家的 Cetaphil 滋潤保濕霜,以透明質酸滋潤肌膚,增加水分儲備,長久保濕。
透明質酸是一種優質保濕劑,是皮膚的重要成分,因其能吸收高達其本身重量 1,000 倍的水而聞名。
為了獲得更好的使用體驗,請在潔面後使用 Cetaphil 潔面乳。
網路價:635元,結帳享5%折扣後 604 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cve/cve53760/u/2.jpg">
由皮膚科醫生開發 MVE® 釋放技術 夜間幫助軟化並修復疲憊肌膚 有助於修復保護性肌膚屏障 含神經醯胺和肽複合物 CeraVe® 肽複合物 :
神經醯胺 有助於修復皮膚的脂質水準,並有助於維護皮膚的天然保護屏障。
透明質酸: 本產品含一種重要的成分(保濕劑),有助於吸引水分至皮膚表層,保持皮膚水分,並有助於撫平細紋和皺紋。
煙醯胺 :
獲專利認可控制釋放 MVE® 技術 :
® 肌膚修復晚霜是由肌膚科醫生研發,設計用於配合您的自然生理節奏,在肌膚特容易吸收時幫助您夜間修復肌膚屏障。一覺醒來,您會發現肌膚清爽和煥新。
清爽,高度保濕,長久配方 CeraVe® 肽複合物支持肌膚修復 3 種必需神經醯胺有助於修復皮膚屏障 透明質酸能夠吸引肌膚所需水分使其水潤,並幫助減少細紋和皺紋的出現 溫和、無刺激性和非致粉刺性 無香 本包裝不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽和 BPA
網路價:645元,結帳享5%折扣後 613 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cve/cve53745/u/2.jpg">
由皮膚科醫生開發 超輕 本產品含3種必需煙醯胺、煙醯胺和透明質酸 不含油 適合中性至乾性肌膚 無致痘性 | 不含防腐劑 | 不含香料 本產品提供整夜保濕功能,有助於修復保護性皮膚屏障。
適樂膚晚間面部保濕乳液 由皮膚科醫生開發,其獨特的配方 - 含 3 種必需的神經醯胺 - 可整夜滋潤並幫助修復肌膚保護屏障。
MVE 緩釋技術 - 有助於實現整夜補水保濕無致痘性 - 不會堵塞毛孔。煙醯胺 - 有助於舒緩肌膚。不含香料 - 避免香料敏感。
網路價:564元,結帳享5%折扣後 536 元
第 1 步:Cetaphil(絲塔芙)Pro Dermacontrol™ 控油潔面泡沫
第 2 步:Cetaphil(絲塔芙)Pro Dermacontrol™ 控油保濕乳是 SPF 30。
在陽光暴露前 15 分鐘充分塗抹本產品。 游泳或出汗時使用防水抗曬霜。 至少每 2 小時重新塗抹一次。 6 個月以下嬰兒:謹遵照醫生指示。 抗曬措施:
請定期使用全譜 SPF 值為 15 或更高的抗曬霜。 減少待在陽光下的時間,尤其是從上午 10 點至下午 2 點。 穿長袖上衣、褲子,戴帽子、太陽鏡。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cet/cet31304/u/12.jpg">
帶抗曬效果 全譜 SPF 30 無油、輕質保濕霜 不會堵塞毛孔 經過科學證明的可吸收多餘的油脂,減少日曬 可能有助於抵禦有害的 UVA 和 UVB 建議每日使用 用途: 有助於防止曬傷。
這款輕質的三效合一的面部保濕乳能夠滋潤保濕、減少日曬和保護肌膚免受陽光中有害射線的影響。經過科學證明的吸收多餘的油、減少日曬,這種無油的乳液不會堵塞毛孔,也不會讓肌膚感覺油膩。提供 24 小時的長效保濕功能,使皮膚保持平衡、健康。
Cetaphil(絲塔芙)Pro Dermacontrol™ 控油保濕乳是護膚的一部分,經科學證明能夠護理油性肌。
第 1 步:Cetaphil(絲塔芙)Pro Dermacontrol™ 控油潔面泡沫
第 2 步:Cetaphil(絲塔芙)Pro Dermacontrol™ 控油保濕乳是 SPF 30。
在陽光暴露前 15 分鐘充分塗抹本產品。 游泳或出汗時使用防水抗曬霜。 至少每 2 小時重新塗抹一次。 6 個月以下嬰兒:謹遵照醫生指示。 抗曬措施:
請定期使用全譜 SPF 值為 15 或更高的抗曬霜。 減少待在陽光下的時間,尤其是從上午 10 點至下午 2 點。 穿長袖上衣、褲子,戴帽子、太陽鏡。
網路價:582元,結帳享5%折扣後 553 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cve/cve53731/u/2.jpg">
由皮膚科醫生開發 舒緩細紋和皺紋的外觀 滋潤並幫助修復保護性肌膚屏障 含有 3 種必需的神經醯胺和玻尿酸 包封的視黃醇 對肌膚溫和|非同源|無香型 CeraVe肌膚新生視黃醇精華素 由皮膚科醫生開發,其獨特的配方 - 含有3種必需的神經醯胺 - 旨在舒緩細紋和皺紋的外觀,幾乎無刺激。
網路價:658元,結帳享5%折扣後 626 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cve/cve53719/u/0.jpg">
由皮膚科醫生開發 適用於中性至油性皮膚 控油 不乾燥-不刺激 清潔和去除油脂而不破壞皮膚的保護性屏障。
含有 3 種必需的神經醯胺、煙醯胺和透明質酸。
在皮膚科醫生的協助下,我們成功研發出這款配方獨特的產品,其中包含 3 種重要的天然保濕因子,能優效避免肌膚屏障受損,清潔肌膚,去除多餘油脂。
網路價:141元,結帳享5%折扣後 134 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cve/cve53757/u/13.jpg">
由皮膚科醫生開發 清潔保濕,有助於修復肌膚屏障 含有 3 種必需的神經醯胺和玻尿酸 保濕平衡 美國濕疹協會驗收 對肌膚溫和 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯 非乾性 在皮膚科醫生的協助下,我們成功研發出這款配方獨特的產品,其中包含 3 種重要的天然保濕因子,有助於清潔保濕,修復肌膚屏障。
網路價:141元,結帳享5%折扣後 134 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cve/cve53769/u/10.jpg">
由皮膚科醫生開發 清潔保濕,有助於修復肌膚屏障 含有 3 種必需的神經醯胺和玻尿酸 保濕平衡 通過美國濕疹協會驗證 溫和不刺激 | 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯 | 滋潤不乾燥 在皮膚科醫生的協助下,我們成功研發出這款配方獨特的產品,其中包含 3 種重要的天然保濕因子,有助於清潔保濕,修復肌膚屏障。
MVE 緩釋技術 - 有助於實現全天補水保濕玻尿酸 - 有助於保留肌膚水分不會刺激粉刺痘痘產生 - 不會堵塞毛孔不含香料 - 避免香料過敏
網路價:515元,結帳享5%折扣後 490 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cve/cve53775/u/18.jpg">
由皮膚科醫生開發 清潔肌膚,去除多餘油脂,優效避免肌膚屏障受損 本產品含3種必需煙醯胺、煙醯胺和透明質酸 控油 對肌膚溫和 不乾澀 在皮膚科醫生的協助下,我們成功研發出這款配方獨特的產品,其中包含 3 種重要的天然保濕因子,能優效避免肌膚屏障受損,清潔肌膚,去除多餘油脂。
輕輕按摩起泡 - 實現煥膚潔面效果不會刺激粉刺痘痘產生 - 不會堵塞毛孔煙醯胺 - 有助於舒緩肌膚不含香料 - 避免香料過敏
網路價:515元,結帳享5%折扣後 490 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cve/cve53770/u/0.jpg">
數值大小 控油 本產品含3種必需煙醯胺、煙醯胺和透明質酸 清潔肌膚,去除多餘油脂,優效避免肌膚屏障受損 對肌膚溫和 不乾澀 在皮膚科醫生的協助下,我們成功研發出這款配方獨特的產品,其中包含 3 種重要的天然保濕因子,能優效避免肌膚屏障受損,清潔肌膚,去除多餘油脂。
輕輕按摩起泡 - 實現煥膚潔面效果煙醯胺 - 有助於舒緩肌膚無致粉刺性 - 不會堵塞毛孔不含香料 - 避免香味刺激
網路價:568元,結帳享5%折扣後 540 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cet/cet92708/u/13.jpg">
適用於中性至油性皮膚 不用脫水,便能去除多餘的油分。 科學驗證具有清潔深層皮膚的功能 去除表面油漬、汙物和化妝品,用後皮膚不會感覺緊繃或過分乾燥。 深層清潔,去除一切堵塞毛孔的殘留物質 足夠溫和,可每日使用 不會導致粉刺,無刺激性 皮膚科醫生推薦 這款優效且溫和的潔面乳一開始是專門為皮膚科設計的,讓中性至油性肌膚保持清潔與健康。
網路價:341元,結帳享5%折扣後 324 元
與水一起使用: 塗抹清潔劑,輕輕按摩至皮膚。沖洗。免水直接使用: 應用任意量清潔劑,輕輕按摩至皮膚。用軟布去除多餘的部分,在肌膚上留下薄層。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cet/cet92108/u/3.jpg">
面部和身體 適合所有膚質 溫和、無刺激性配方 軟化清潔 舒緩、無刺激、應用於面部和身體非常理想 有助肌膚保持所需水分 足夠溫和,可以清潔寶寶細膩的肌膚 易於清洗,使皮膚感覺柔軟光滑 不含香精 - 無香 皮膚科醫生推薦 此溫和、無皂清潔劑極初是為皮膚科醫生製成,專門用於日常清潔極敏感肌膚。
與水一起使用: 塗抹清潔劑,輕輕按摩至皮膚。沖洗。免水直接使用: 應用任意量清潔劑,輕輕按摩至皮膚。用軟布去除多餘的部分,在肌膚上留下薄層。
網路價:331元,結帳享5%折扣後 315 元
使用 Cetaphil 面部保濕霜可以促進皮膚保濕和鎖水
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cet/cet88917/u/0.jpg">
面部 所有膚質 溫和清潔,不讓皮膚乾燥或緊繃 富氣泡沫 無香料 無致痘性 無刺激性 經皮膚科測試 這款即時發泡潔面乳能輕鬆去除污垢,油脂和化妝品。在不破壞皮膚天然水分平衡的情況下,加入了皮膚調理劑和維生素複合物,清潔時柔軟。
自發泡泵會產生豐富,輕盈的泡沫,容易沖洗 清潔時不會讓皮膚感覺乾燥或緊繃 足夠溫和,適合日常使用,適用於敏感皮膚
使用 Cetaphil 面部保濕霜可以促進皮膚保濕和鎖水
網路價:297元,結帳享5%折扣後 283 元
完整的皮膚護理需要同時使用 Cataphil Pro 吸油保濕霜和抗曬霜 SPF 30。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cet/cet93118/u/0.jpg">
Non-Acnegenic Clinically Proven to Remove Excess Oil Oil-Free & Fragrance Free Non-Comedogenic Gently Enough for Daily Use This gentle foaming wash is clinically proven to remove excess oil, impurities and makeup that can clog pores, without over-drying skin.
完整的皮膚護理需要同時使用 Cataphil Pro 吸油保濕霜和抗曬霜 SPF 30。
網路價:430元,結帳享5%折扣後 409 元
Massage foam onto damp skin. Rinse.◎◎For a complete skin care regimen, follow the use of the Foaming Face Wash with Cetaphil Redness Relieving Daily Facial Moisturizer SPF 20 and at night, follow use of the Foaming Face Wash with Cetaphil Redness Reliving Night Moisturizer.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cet/cet88908/u/0.jpg">
Redness-Prone Skin Gently Cleanses without Over Drying Non-Comedogenic Leaves Skin Feeling Soothed and Balanced Gentle Enough for Everyday Use Without over-drying, this extra gentle cleanser washes away dirt, impurities and make-up that can clog pores and irritate sensitive skin.
Massage foam onto damp skin. Rinse. For a complete skin care regimen, follow the use of the Foaming Face Wash with Cetaphil Redness Relieving Daily Facial Moisturizer SPF 20 and at night, follow use of the Foaming Face Wash with Cetaphil Redness Reliving Night Moisturizer.
網路價:308元,結帳享5%折扣後 293 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cdx/cdx00823/u/9.jpg">
地球科學 天然神經醯胺療法 採用 Riceramide®-3 植物神經醯胺技術 可能有助於補水保濕和修復肌膚保護屏障 幫助舒緩發紅 柔軟溫和的保濕效果,適合乾燥、敏感的皮膚。 經科學測試 皮膚科醫生推薦 pH 5.5 幫助支持皮膚的自然微生物組 Riceramide®-3 保護皮膚的水分屏障 低致敏 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯,零殘忍,純素食,無麩質 輕盈柔和的面部乳液,專門配製,有助於滋潤乾燥敏感的皮膚,並舒緩發紅。我們專有的 Riceramide®-3 技術融合了植物神經醯胺、天然必需脂肪酸、膽固醇以及舒緩的潤膚劑和保濕劑,可提供所需的水分,並有助於支援皮膚的天然保護屏障。富含無類固醇植物提取物和維生素 C 和 E,有助於舒緩、修復、保護皮膚。是乾燥敏感皮膚類型的理想選擇,可促進皮膚健康。
網路價:473元,結帳享5%折扣後 450 元
Using a large fluffy brush or CARGO Magic Brush, apply over areas of the face that are naturally touched by the sun; cheekbones, forehead near the hair line, temples and along the jaw line.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo85002/u/0.jpg">
Subtle illumination and a healthy-looking radiance is yours year-round. Silky powder formula glides over the skin. Subtle hints of shimmer add a youthful glow. Natural-looking color, never orange. The sheer powder is buildable for a customized look.
Using a large fluffy brush or CARGO Magic Brush, apply over areas of the face that are naturally touched by the sun; cheekbones, forehead near the hair line, temples and along the jaw line.
網路價:275元,結帳享5%折扣後 262 元
Talc, mica, nylon-12, isopropyl isostearate, zinc stearate, boron nitride, caprylyl glycol. May contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492), manganese violet (ci 77742), d&c black 2(ci 77266).
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo92003/u/0.jpg">
Formulated for high definition filming, Cargo_HD bronzing powder contains specialized photochromatic pigments that adjust with light to provide a natural looking, picture perfect finish.
Talc, mica, nylon-12, isopropyl isostearate, zinc stearate, boron nitride, caprylyl glycol. May contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492), manganese violet (ci 77742), d&c black 2(ci 77266).
網路價:284元,結帳享5%折扣後 270 元
Talc, zinc stearate, octyldodecyl stearoyl stearate, octyldodecyl stearate, boron nitride, tocopheryl acetate, silica, phenoxyethanol, caprylyl glycol, carthamus tinctoris (safflower) seed oil, aloe barbadensis leaf extract, sorbic acid. May contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), d&c red #6 lake (ci 15850:2), d&c red #7 lake (ci 15850:1), d&c red #27 lake (ci 145410:2), fd&c blue #1 lake (ci 42090), fd&c yellow #5 lake (ci 19140:1), fd&c yellow #6 lake (ci 15985:1), bismuth oxychloride (ci 77163), chromium oxide green (ci 77288), chromium hydroxide green (ci 77289), ferric ferrocyanide (ci 77510), manganese violet (ci 77492), ultramarines (ci 77007), tin oxide (ci 77861).
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo23001/u/0.jpg">
Silky smooth cheek powder creates a naturally flushed look. Powder glides over the skin for a smooth and natural finish.
Features and Benefits This sheer powder builds for a customized level of color intensity. Paraben free
Talc, zinc stearate, octyldodecyl stearoyl stearate, octyldodecyl stearate, boron nitride, tocopheryl acetate, silica, phenoxyethanol, caprylyl glycol, carthamus tinctoris (safflower) seed oil, aloe barbadensis leaf extract, sorbic acid. May contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), d&c red #6 lake (ci 15850:2), d&c red #7 lake (ci 15850:1), d&c red #27 lake (ci 145410:2), fd&c blue #1 lake (ci 42090), fd&c yellow #5 lake (ci 19140:1), fd&c yellow #6 lake (ci 15985:1), bismuth oxychloride (ci 77163), chromium oxide green (ci 77288), chromium hydroxide green (ci 77289), ferric ferrocyanide (ci 77510), manganese violet (ci 77492), ultramarines (ci 77007), tin oxide (ci 77861).
網路價:246元,結帳享5%折扣後 234 元
Using a fluffy blush brush or CARGO Magic Brush, apply to the apples of the cheeks and blend back along the cheekbones toward the ear. For a more contoured look, apply just beneath the cheekbone and blend back toward the ear. ◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo23013/u/0.jpg">
Silky smooth cheek powder creates a naturally flushed look. Powder glides over the skin for a smooth and natural finish.
Features and Benefits This sheer powder builds for a customized level of color intensity. Paraben free
Using a fluffy blush brush or CARGO Magic Brush, apply to the apples of the cheeks and blend back along the cheekbones toward the ear. For a more contoured look, apply just beneath the cheekbone and blend back toward the ear.
網路價:246元,結帳享5%折扣後 234 元
Talc, octyldodecyl stearate, lauroyl lysine, dimethicone, zinc stearate, methicone, sodium benzoate, sodium dehydroacetate, benzethonium chloride, tocopheryl acetate. May contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), bismuth oxychloride (ci 77163), ultramarines (ci 77007), manganese violet (ci 77742), red 7 lake (ci 15850:1), red 30 lake (ci 73360), red 27 lake (ci 45410), yellow 5 lake (ci 19140).
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo23025/u/0.jpg">
Long wearing water resistant powder blush delivers a year round summer glow that stays put rain or shine!
Talc, octyldodecyl stearate, lauroyl lysine, dimethicone, zinc stearate, methicone, sodium benzoate, sodium dehydroacetate, benzethonium chloride, tocopheryl acetate. May contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), bismuth oxychloride (ci 77163), ultramarines (ci 77007), manganese violet (ci 77742), red 7 lake (ci 15850:1), red 30 lake (ci 73360), red 27 lake (ci 45410), yellow 5 lake (ci 19140).
網路價:246元,結帳享5%折扣後 234 元
Talc, nylon-12, octyldodecyl stearoyl stearate, silica, zinc stearate, caprylyl glycol, silver oxide. May contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), manganese violet (ci 77742), iron oxides (ci 77491), ultramarines (ci 77007).
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo92001/u/0.jpg">
Formulated for high definition filming, Cargo_HD pressed powder blush/highlighter contains specialized photochromatic pigments that adjust with light to provide a natural looking, picture perfect finish.
Talc, nylon-12, octyldodecyl stearoyl stearate, silica, zinc stearate, caprylyl glycol, silver oxide. May contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), manganese violet (ci 77742), iron oxides (ci 77491), ultramarines (ci 77007).
網路價:284元,結帳享5%折扣後 270 元
Talc, zinc stearate, octyldodecyl stearoyl stearate, octyldodecyl stearate, boron nitride, tocopheryl acetate, silica, phenoxyethanol, caprylyl glycol, carthamus tinctoris (safflower) seed oil, aloe barbadensis leaf extract, sorbic acid. May contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), d&c red #6 lake (ci 15850:2), d&c red #7 lake (ci 15850:1), d&c red #27 lake (ci 145410:2), fd&c blue #1 lake (ci 42090), fd&c yellow #5 lake (ci 19140.1), fd&c yellow #6 lake (ci 15985:1), bismuth oxychloride (ci 77163), chromium oxide green (ci 77288), chromium hydroxide green (ci 77289), ferric ferrocyanide (ci 77510), manganese violet (ci 77492), ultramarines (ci 77007), tin oxide (ci 77861).
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo23019/u/0.jpg">
Silky smooth cheek powder creates a naturally flushed look. Powder glides over the skin for a smooth and natural finish.
Features and Benefits This sheer powder builds for a customized level of color intensity. Paraben free
Talc, zinc stearate, octyldodecyl stearoyl stearate, octyldodecyl stearate, boron nitride, tocopheryl acetate, silica, phenoxyethanol, caprylyl glycol, carthamus tinctoris (safflower) seed oil, aloe barbadensis leaf extract, sorbic acid. May contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), d&c red #6 lake (ci 15850:2), d&c red #7 lake (ci 15850:1), d&c red #27 lake (ci 145410:2), fd&c blue #1 lake (ci 42090), fd&c yellow #5 lake (ci 19140.1), fd&c yellow #6 lake (ci 15985:1), bismuth oxychloride (ci 77163), chromium oxide green (ci 77288), chromium hydroxide green (ci 77289), ferric ferrocyanide (ci 77510), manganese violet (ci 77492), ultramarines (ci 77007), tin oxide (ci 77861).
網路價:246元,結帳享5%折扣後 234 元
Talc, octyldodecyl stearate, lauroyl lysine, dimethicone, zinc stearate, methicone, sodium benzoate, sodium dehydroacetate, benzethonium chloride, tocopheryl acetate. may contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), bismuth oxychloride (ci 77163), ultramarines (ci 77007), manganese violet (ci 77742), red 7 lake (ci 15850:1), red 30 lake (ci 73360), red 27 lake (ci 45410), yellow 5 lake (ci 19140).
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo23024/u/0.jpg">
Long wearing water resistant powder blush delivers a year round summer glow that stays put rain or shine!
Talc, octyldodecyl stearate, lauroyl lysine, dimethicone, zinc stearate, methicone, sodium benzoate, sodium dehydroacetate, benzethonium chloride, tocopheryl acetate. may contain (+/-): mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), bismuth oxychloride (ci 77163), ultramarines (ci 77007), manganese violet (ci 77742), red 7 lake (ci 15850:1), red 30 lake (ci 73360), red 27 lake (ci 45410), yellow 5 lake (ci 19140).
網路價:246元,結帳享5%折扣後 234 元
聚異丁烯、蓖麻籽油、氫化聚異丁烯、西蒙得木籽油、辛酸/癸酸甘油三酯、異十二烷、蜂蠟、聚乙烯、三羥基硬脂精、小燭樹蠟、二甲基甲矽烷基化矽石、甘油三酯、硼矽酸鋁鈣、三乙酸甘油酯、棕櫚酸乙基己酯、二氧化矽、三山崳精、氧化錫、失水山梨醇倍半油酸酯、棕櫚醯三肽-1、知母根提取物。可能含(+/-):雲母 (CI 77019)、二氧化鈦 (CI 77891)、氧化鐵 (CI 77491、CI 77492、CI 77499)、紅 7 色澱 (CI 15850)、紅 6 色澱 (CI 15850)、胭脂紅 (CI 75470)、黃 5 色澱 (CI 19140)、紅 28 色澱 (CI 45410)、藍 1 色澱 (CI 42090)。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo46041/u/0.jpg">
聚異丁烯、蓖麻籽油、氫化聚異丁烯、西蒙得木籽油、辛酸/癸酸甘油三酯、異十二烷、蜂蠟、聚乙烯、三羥基硬脂精、小燭樹蠟、二甲基甲矽烷基化矽石、甘油三酯、硼矽酸鋁鈣、三乙酸甘油酯、棕櫚酸乙基己酯、二氧化矽、三山崳精、氧化錫、失水山梨醇倍半油酸酯、棕櫚醯三肽-1、知母根提取物。可能含(+/-):雲母 (CI 77019)、二氧化鈦 (CI 77891)、氧化鐵 (CI 77491、CI 77492、CI 77499)、紅 7 色澱 (CI 15850)、紅 6 色澱 (CI 15850)、胭脂紅 (CI 75470)、黃 5 色澱 (CI 19140)、紅 28 色澱 (CI 45410)、藍 1 色澱 (CI 42090)。
網路價:152元,結帳享5%折扣後 145 元
Apply gloss starting in the center of the lips and working out to the edges. Wear alone or over lipstick. For maximum results, apply Reverse Lip Liner first. ◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo46048/u/0.jpg">
Super high shine gloss delivers intense, lasting color. Silky smooth application that never feels sticky.
Features and Benefits Special, flat velour-coated applicator provides precise and even application. Long wearing. Gluten-free and paraben free.
Apply gloss starting in the center of the lips and working out to the edges. Wear alone or over lipstick. For maximum results, apply Reverse Lip Liner first.
網路價:152元,結帳享5%折扣後 145 元
Apply gloss starting in the center of the lips and working out to the edges. Wear alone or over lipstick. For maximum results, apply Reverse Lip Liner first. ◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo46051/u/0.jpg">
Super high shine gloss delivers intense, lasting color. Silky smooth application that never feels sticky.
Features and Benefits Special, flat velour-coated applicator provides precise and even application. Long wearing. Gluten-free and paraben free
Apply gloss starting in the center of the lips and working out to the edges. Wear alone or over lipstick. For maximum results, apply Reverse Lip Liner first.
網路價:152元,結帳享5%折扣後 145 元
Polyisobutene, ricinus communis (castor) seed oil, hydrogenated polyisobutene, simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) seed oil, caprylic/capric triglyceride, isododecane, beeswax, polyethylene, trihydroxystearin, euphorbia cerifera (candelilla) wax, silica dimethyl silylate, triglycerides, calcium aluminum borosilicate, triacetin, ethylhexyl palmitate, silica, tribehenin, tin oxide, sorbitan isostearate, palmitoyl tripeptide-1, anemarrhena asphodeloides root extract. May contain (+/ -) : mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), red 7 lake (ci 15850), red 6 lake (ci 15850), carmine (ci 75470), yellow 5 lake (ci 19140), red 28 lake (ci 45410), blue 1 lake (ci 42090).◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo46043/u/6.jpg">
Super high shine gloss delivers intense, lasting color. Silky smooth application that never feels sticky.
Polyisobutene, ricinus communis (castor) seed oil, hydrogenated polyisobutene, simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) seed oil, caprylic/capric triglyceride, isododecane, beeswax, polyethylene, trihydroxystearin, euphorbia cerifera (candelilla) wax, silica dimethyl silylate, triglycerides, calcium aluminum borosilicate, triacetin, ethylhexyl palmitate, silica, tribehenin, tin oxide, sorbitan isostearate, palmitoyl tripeptide-1, anemarrhena asphodeloides root extract. May contain (+/ -) : mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), red 7 lake (ci 15850), red 6 lake (ci 15850), carmine (ci 75470), yellow 5 lake (ci 19140), red 28 lake (ci 45410), blue 1 lake (ci 42090).
網路價:152元,結帳享5%折扣後 145 元
Apply gloss starting in the center of the lips and working out to the edges. Wear alone or over lipstick. For maximum results, apply Reverse Lip Liner first. ◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo46049/u/0.jpg">
Super high shine gloss delivers intense, lasting color silky smooth application tat never feels sticky.
Features and Benefits Special, flat velour-coated applicator provides precise and even application. Long wearing. Gluten-free and paraben free.
Apply gloss starting in the center of the lips and working out to the edges. Wear alone or over lipstick. For maximum results, apply Reverse Lip Liner first.
網路價:152元,結帳享5%折扣後 145 元
Apply gloss starting in the center of the lips and working out to the edges. Wear alone or over lipstick. For maximum results, apply Reverse Lip Liner first. ◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo46038/u/0.jpg">
Super high shine gloss delivers intense, lasting color. Silky smooth application that never feels sticky.
Features and Benefits Special, flat velour-coated applicator provides precise and even application. Long wearing. Gluten-free and paraben free.
Apply gloss starting in the center of the lips and working out to the edges. Wear alone or over lipstick. For maximum results, apply Reverse Lip Liner first.
網路價:152元,結帳享5%折扣後 145 元
Polyisobutene, ricinus communis (castor) seed oil, hydrogenated polyisobutene, simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) seed oil, caprylic/capric triglyceride, isododecane, beeswax, polyethylene, trihydroxystearin, euphorbia cerifera (candelilla) wax, silica dimethyl silylate, triglycerides, calcium aluminum borosilicate, triacetin, ethylhexyl palmitate, silica, tribehenin, tin oxide, sorbitan isostearate, palmitoyl tripeptide-1, anemarrhena asphodeloides root extract. May contain (+/ -) : mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), red 7 lake (ci 15850), red 6 lake (ci 15850), carmine (ci 75470), yellow 5 lake (ci 19140), red 28 lake (ci 45410), blue 1 lake (ci 42090).
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo46045/u/0.jpg">
Super high shine gloss delivers intense, lasting color. Silky smooth application that never feels sticky.
Polyisobutene, ricinus communis (castor) seed oil, hydrogenated polyisobutene, simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) seed oil, caprylic/capric triglyceride, isododecane, beeswax, polyethylene, trihydroxystearin, euphorbia cerifera (candelilla) wax, silica dimethyl silylate, triglycerides, calcium aluminum borosilicate, triacetin, ethylhexyl palmitate, silica, tribehenin, tin oxide, sorbitan isostearate, palmitoyl tripeptide-1, anemarrhena asphodeloides root extract. May contain (+/ -) : mica (ci 77019), titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499), red 7 lake (ci 15850), red 6 lake (ci 15850), carmine (ci 75470), yellow 5 lake (ci 19140), red 28 lake (ci 45410), blue 1 lake (ci 42090).
網路價:152元,結帳享5%折扣後 145 元
Apply alone or over base make up.◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo91007/u/0.jpg">
Formulated for high definition filming, Cargo HD pressed powder contains specialized photochromatic pigments that adjust with light to provide a natural looking, picture perfect finish.
Apply alone or over base make up.
網路價:303元,結帳享5%折扣後 288 元
Apply alone or over base make up. ◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo91003/u/0.jpg">
Formulated for high definition filming, Cargo HD pressed powder contains specialized photochromatic pigments that adjust with light to provide a natural looking, picture perfect finish.
Apply alone or over base make up.
網路價:303元,結帳享5%折扣後 288 元
Apply alone or over base make up.◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo91014/u/0.jpg">
Formulated for high definition filming, Cargo_HD pressed powder contains specialized photochromatic pigments that adjust with light to provide a natural looking, picture perfect finish.
Apply alone or over base make up.
網路價:303元,結帳享5%折扣後 288 元
Water, cyclomethicone, propylene glycol, talc, triethanolamine, polyglyceryl-3 diisostearate, cyclopentasiloxane, sodium chloride, methylparaben, methicone, tocopheryl acetate, tribehenin, propylparaben, chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract, aloe barbadensis extract, persea gratissima (avocado) oil, retinyl palmitate, glycosaminoglycans, phenoxyethanol, trisodium edta, potassium sorbate. May contain (+/-): titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499).
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo14002/u/0.jpg">
Versatile, dual-purpose product acts as a professional strength concealer and a conditioning foundation in one convenient, travel-friendly tube.
Wand applicator precisely covers imperfections around the eyes, nose and mouth.
Features and Benefits Contains Vitamin E, Avocado Extract and Chamomile Extract to soothe and protect the skin. Perfect for touch ups during the day. Suitable for all skin types.
Water, cyclomethicone, propylene glycol, talc, triethanolamine, polyglyceryl-3 diisostearate, cyclopentasiloxane, sodium chloride, methylparaben, methicone, tocopheryl acetate, tribehenin, propylparaben, chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract, aloe barbadensis extract, persea gratissima (avocado) oil, retinyl palmitate, glycosaminoglycans, phenoxyethanol, trisodium edta, potassium sorbate. May contain (+/-): titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499).
網路價:265元,結帳享5%折扣後 252 元
環戊基矽氧烷、水、滑石粉、二甲矽油、丁二醇、異十二烷、PEG-10 二甲矽油、二硬脂二甲銨鋰蒙脫石、氯化鈉、聚甲基矽倍半氧烷、苯氧乙醇、HDI/三羥甲基己內酯交聯聚合物、PEG/PPG-18/18 二甲矽油、氫化二甲矽油、脫氫乙酸鈉、二甲矽油/乙烯基二甲矽油交聯聚合物、乙二胺四乙酸二鈉鹽、氫氧化鋁、辛酸/癸酸三酸甘油酯、蘋果提取物、罩酚酮、乙醇、鳳梨果提取物、梨果提取物、覆盆子葉提取物、甜橙油和扁葉香果蘭果提取物。可能含 (+/-):氧化鐵 (CI 77491、CI 77492、CI 77499、CI 77891)、二氧化鈦 (CI 77891)。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo33988/u/2.jpg">
環戊基矽氧烷、水、滑石粉、二甲矽油、丁二醇、異十二烷、PEG-10 二甲矽油、二硬脂二甲銨鋰蒙脫石、氯化鈉、聚甲基矽倍半氧烷、苯氧乙醇、HDI/三羥甲基己內酯交聯聚合物、PEG/PPG-18/18 二甲矽油、氫化二甲矽油、脫氫乙酸鈉、二甲矽油/乙烯基二甲矽油交聯聚合物、乙二胺四乙酸二鈉鹽、氫氧化鋁、辛酸/癸酸三酸甘油酯、蘋果提取物、罩酚酮、乙醇、鳳梨果提取物、梨果提取物、覆盆子葉提取物、甜橙油和扁葉香果蘭果提取物。可能含 (+/-):氧化鐵 (CI 77491、CI 77492、CI 77499、CI 77891)、二氧化鈦 (CI 77891)。
網路價:322元,結帳享5%折扣後 306 元
Cyclopentasiloxane, water, talc, dimethicone, butylene glycol, isododecane, peg-10 dimethicone, disteardimonium hectorite, sodium chloride, polymethylsilsesquioxane,phenoxyethanol, hdi/trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer, peg/ppg-18/18 dimethicone,hydrogen dimethicone, sodium dehydroacetate, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer, disodium edta, aluminum hydroxide, caprylic/capric triglyceride, pyrus malus (apple) fruit extract, tropolone, alcohol, ananas sativus (pineapple) fruit extract, pyrus communis (pear) fruit extract, rubus idaeus (raspberry) leaf extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract,vanilla planifolia fruit extract. may contain (+/-): iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77891) titanium dioxide (ci 77891).◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo33987/u/2.jpg">
A longwearing liquid foundation provides buildable coverage for a flawless complexion that stays put rain or shine! This weightless water resistant foundation is formulated with special fruit extracts that promote a fresh and youthful appearance all day long!
Cyclopentasiloxane, water, talc, dimethicone, butylene glycol, isododecane, peg-10 dimethicone, disteardimonium hectorite, sodium chloride, polymethylsilsesquioxane,phenoxyethanol, hdi/trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer, peg/ppg-18/18 dimethicone,hydrogen dimethicone, sodium dehydroacetate, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer, disodium edta, aluminum hydroxide, caprylic/capric triglyceride, pyrus malus (apple) fruit extract, tropolone, alcohol, ananas sativus (pineapple) fruit extract, pyrus communis (pear) fruit extract, rubus idaeus (raspberry) leaf extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract,vanilla planifolia fruit extract. may contain (+/-): iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77891) titanium dioxide (ci 77891).
網路價:322元,結帳享5%折扣後 306 元
Using the wand, dab product to key areas of the face and blend out with finger tips or a sponge.◎◎Wear alone or under liquid foundation for maximum coverage.◎◎Perfect for touch ups during the day.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo14001/u/0.jpg">
Concealer & foundation in one! Versatile, dual-purpose product acts as a professional strength concealer and a conditioning foundation in one convenient, travel-friendly tube.
Wand applicator precisely covers imperfections around the eyes, nose and mouth.
Features and Benefits Contains Vitamin E, Avocado Extract and Chamomile Extract to soothe and protect the skin. Perfect for touch ups during the day. Suitable for all skin types.
Using the wand, dab product to key areas of the face and blend out with finger tips or a sponge. Wear alone or under liquid foundation for maximum coverage. Perfect for touch ups during the day.
網路價:265元,結帳享5%折扣後 252 元
Using the wand, dab product to key areas of the face and blend out with finger tips or a sponge.◎◎Wear alone or under liquid foundation for maximum coverage.◎◎Perfect for touch ups during the day.◎◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo14003/u/0.jpg">
Concealer & foundation in one! Versatile, dual-purpose product acts as a professional strength concealer and a conditioning foundation in one convenient, travel-friendly tube.
Wand applicator precisely covers imperfections around the eyes, nose and mouth.
Features and Benefits Contains Vitamin E, Avocado Extract and Chamomile Extract to soothe and protect the skin. Perfect for touch ups during the day. Suitable for all skin types.
Using the wand, dab product to key areas of the face and blend out with finger tips or a sponge. Wear alone or under liquid foundation for maximum coverage. Perfect for touch ups during the day.
網路價:265元,結帳享5%折扣後 252 元
Water, cyclomethicone, propylene glycol, talc, triethanolamine, polyglyceryl-3 diisostearate, cyclopentasiloxane, sodium chloride, methylparaben, methicone, tocopheryl acetate, tribehenin, propylparaben, chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract, aloe barbadensis extract, persea gratissima (avocado) oil, retinyl palmitate, glycosaminoglycans, phenoxyethanol, trisodium edta, potassium sorbate, may contain (+/-): titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499).◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo14006/u/2.jpg">
Versatile, dual-purpose product acts as a professional strength concealer and a conditioning foundation in one convenient, travel-friendly tube.
Wand applicator precisely covers imperfections around the eyes, nose and mouth.
Features and Benefits Contains Vitamin E, Avocado Extract and Chamomile Extract to soothe and protect the skin. Perfect for touch ups during the day. Suitable for all skin types.
Water, cyclomethicone, propylene glycol, talc, triethanolamine, polyglyceryl-3 diisostearate, cyclopentasiloxane, sodium chloride, methylparaben, methicone, tocopheryl acetate, tribehenin, propylparaben, chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract, aloe barbadensis extract, persea gratissima (avocado) oil, retinyl palmitate, glycosaminoglycans, phenoxyethanol, trisodium edta, potassium sorbate, may contain (+/-): titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499).
網路價:265元,結帳享5%折扣後 252 元
Cyclopentasiloxane, water, talc, dimethicone, butylene glycol, isododecane, peg-10 dimethicone, disteardimonium hectorite, sodium chloride, polymethylsilsesquioxane, phenoxyethanol, hdi/trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer, peg/ppg-18/18 dimethicone, hydrogen dimethicone, sodium dehydroacetate, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer, disodium edta, aluminum hydroxide, caprylic/capric triglyceride, pyrus malus (apple) fruit extract, tropolone, alcohol, ananas sativus (pineapple) fruit extract, pyrus communis (pear) fruit extract, rubus idaeus (raspberry) leaf extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract, vanilla planifolia fruit extract. may contain (+/-): iron oxides (ci 77491), ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77891), titanium dioxide (ci 77891).
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo33993/u/2.jpg">
A longwearing liquid foundation provides buildable coverage for a flawless complexion that stays put rain or shine! This weightless water resistant foundation is formulated with special fruit extracts that promote a fresh and youthful appearance all day long!
Cyclopentasiloxane, water, talc, dimethicone, butylene glycol, isododecane, peg-10 dimethicone, disteardimonium hectorite, sodium chloride, polymethylsilsesquioxane, phenoxyethanol, hdi/trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer, peg/ppg-18/18 dimethicone, hydrogen dimethicone, sodium dehydroacetate, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer, disodium edta, aluminum hydroxide, caprylic/capric triglyceride, pyrus malus (apple) fruit extract, tropolone, alcohol, ananas sativus (pineapple) fruit extract, pyrus communis (pear) fruit extract, rubus idaeus (raspberry) leaf extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract, vanilla planifolia fruit extract. may contain (+/-): iron oxides (ci 77491), ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77891), titanium dioxide (ci 77891).
網路價:322元,結帳享5%折扣後 306 元
Cyclopentasiloxane, water, talc, dimethicone, butylene glycol, isododecane, peg-10 dimethicone, disteardimonium hectorite, sodium chloride, polymethylsilsesquioxane, phenoxyethanol, hdi/trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer, peg/ppg-18/18 dimethicone, hydrogen dimethicone, sodium dehydroacetate, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer, disodium edta, aluminum hydroxide, caprylic/capric triglyceride, pyrus malus (apple) fruit extract, tropolone, alcohol, ananas sativus (pineapple) fruit extract, pyrus communis (pear) fruit extract, rubus idaeus (raspberry) leaf extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract, vanilla planifolia fruit extract. may contain (+/-): iron oxides (ci 77491), ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77891), titanium dioxide (ci 77891).◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo33990/u/2.jpg">
A longwearing liquid foundation provides buildable coverage for a flawless complexion that stays put rain or shine! This weightless water resistant foundation is formulated with special fruit extracts that promote a fresh and youthful appearance all day long!
Cyclopentasiloxane, water, talc, dimethicone, butylene glycol, isododecane, peg-10 dimethicone, disteardimonium hectorite, sodium chloride, polymethylsilsesquioxane, phenoxyethanol, hdi/trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer, peg/ppg-18/18 dimethicone, hydrogen dimethicone, sodium dehydroacetate, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer, disodium edta, aluminum hydroxide, caprylic/capric triglyceride, pyrus malus (apple) fruit extract, tropolone, alcohol, ananas sativus (pineapple) fruit extract, pyrus communis (pear) fruit extract, rubus idaeus (raspberry) leaf extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract, vanilla planifolia fruit extract. may contain (+/-): iron oxides (ci 77491), ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77891), titanium dioxide (ci 77891).
網路價:322元,結帳享5%折扣後 306 元
Water, cyclomethicone, propylene glycol, talc, triethanolamine, polyglyceryl-3 diisostearate, cyclopentasiloxane, sodium chloride, methylparaben, methicone, tocopheryl acetate, tribehenin, propylparaben, chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract, aloe barbadensis extract, persea gratissima (avocado) oil, retinyl palmitate, glycosaminoglycans, phenoxyethanol, trisodium edta, potassium sorbate, may contain (+/-): titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499). ◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo14004/u/3.jpg">
Versatile, dual-purpose product acts as a professional strength concealer and a conditioning foundation in one convenient, travel-friendly tube.
Wand applicator precisely covers imperfections around the eyes, nose and mouth.
Features and Benefits Contains Vitamin E, Avocado Extract and Chamomile Extract to soothe and protect the skin. Perfect for touch ups during the day. Suitable for all skin types.
Water, cyclomethicone, propylene glycol, talc, triethanolamine, polyglyceryl-3 diisostearate, cyclopentasiloxane, sodium chloride, methylparaben, methicone, tocopheryl acetate, tribehenin, propylparaben, chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract, aloe barbadensis extract, persea gratissima (avocado) oil, retinyl palmitate, glycosaminoglycans, phenoxyethanol, trisodium edta, potassium sorbate, may contain (+/-): titanium dioxide (ci 77891), iron oxides (ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499).
網路價:265元,結帳享5%折扣後 252 元
Cyclopentasiloxane, water, talc, dimethicone, butylene glycol, isododecane, peg-10 dimethicone, disteardimonium hectorite, sodium chloride, polymethylsilsesquioxane,phenoxyethanol, hdi/trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer, peg/ppg-18/18 dimethicone,hydrogen dimethicone, sodium dehydroacetate, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer, disodium edta, aluminum hydroxide, caprylic/capric triglyceride, pyrus malus (apple) fruit extract, tropolone, alcohol, ananas sativus (pineapple) fruit extract, pyrus communis (pear) fruit extract, rubus idaeus (raspberry) leaf extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract,vanilla planifolia fruit extract. may contain (+/-): iron oxides (ci 77491), ci 77492, ci 77499), titanium dioxide (ci 77891).◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo33991/u/0.jpg">
A longwearing liquid foundation provides buildable coverage for a flawless complexion that stays put rain or shine! This weightless water resistant foundation is formulated with special fruit extracts that promote a fresh and youthful appearance all day long!
Cyclopentasiloxane, water, talc, dimethicone, butylene glycol, isododecane, peg-10 dimethicone, disteardimonium hectorite, sodium chloride, polymethylsilsesquioxane,phenoxyethanol, hdi/trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymer, peg/ppg-18/18 dimethicone,hydrogen dimethicone, sodium dehydroacetate, dimethicone/vinyl dimethicone crosspolymer, disodium edta, aluminum hydroxide, caprylic/capric triglyceride, pyrus malus (apple) fruit extract, tropolone, alcohol, ananas sativus (pineapple) fruit extract, pyrus communis (pear) fruit extract, rubus idaeus (raspberry) leaf extract, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) fruit extract,vanilla planifolia fruit extract. may contain (+/-): iron oxides (ci 77491), ci 77492, ci 77499), titanium dioxide (ci 77891).
網路價:322元,結帳享5%折扣後 306 元
Water, iron oxides (ci 77499), cera alba (beeswax), propylene glycol, vp/eicosene copolymer, polyisobutene, isododecane, polymide-1, oleic acid, zea mays (corn) starch, stearic acid, glyceryl distearate, cera carnauba/copernicia cerifera (carnauba) wax, glycerin, styrene/acrylates/ammonium methacrylate copolymer, glyceryl stearate, polybutene, cetearyl alcohol, phenoxyethanol, magnesium aluminum silicate, acrylates copolymer, sodium benzoate, dehydroacetic acid, sodium pca, dicetyl phosphate, ceteth-10, phosphate, sodium lactate, arginine, butylene glycol, aspartic acid, pca, titanium dioxide, sodium laureth-12, sulfate, caprylyl glycol, glycine, alanine, serine, valine, tocopheryl acetate, threonine, proline, isoleucine, tetrasodium edta, potassium sorbate, histidine, phenylalanine.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo48017/u/0.jpg">
Thickens, lengthens and curls lashes all in one.
Water, iron oxides (ci 77499), cera alba (beeswax), propylene glycol, vp/eicosene copolymer, polyisobutene, isododecane, polymide-1, oleic acid, zea mays (corn) starch, stearic acid, glyceryl distearate, cera carnauba/copernicia cerifera (carnauba) wax, glycerin, styrene/acrylates/ammonium methacrylate copolymer, glyceryl stearate, polybutene, cetearyl alcohol, phenoxyethanol, magnesium aluminum silicate, acrylates copolymer, sodium benzoate, dehydroacetic acid, sodium pca, dicetyl phosphate, ceteth-10, phosphate, sodium lactate, arginine, butylene glycol, aspartic acid, pca, titanium dioxide, sodium laureth-12, sulfate, caprylyl glycol, glycine, alanine, serine, valine, tocopheryl acetate, threonine, proline, isoleucine, tetrasodium edta, potassium sorbate, histidine, phenylalanine.
網路價:189元,結帳享5%折扣後 180 元
Water, styrene/acrylates/ammonium methacrylate copolymer, beeswax, propylene glycol, polybutene, copernicia cerifera (carnauba) wax, oleic acid, magnesium aluminum silicate, stearic acid, zea mays (corn) starch, vp/eicosene copolymer, pvp, cetearyl alcohol, phenoxyethanol, aminomethyl propanol, butylene glycol, sodium benzoate, dehydroacetic acid, sodium laureth sulfate, cellulose gum, caprylyl glycol, dicetyl phosphate, ceteth-10 phosphate, titanium dioxide, polymide-1, tetrasodium edta, potassium sorbate, tocopheryl acetate. May contain (+/ -): iron oxides (ci 77499).◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/cgo/cgo47001/u/0.jpg">
High impact volume in just one coat.
Water, styrene/acrylates/ammonium methacrylate copolymer, beeswax, propylene glycol, polybutene, copernicia cerifera (carnauba) wax, oleic acid, magnesium aluminum silicate, stearic acid, zea mays (corn) starch, vp/eicosene copolymer, pvp, cetearyl alcohol, phenoxyethanol, aminomethyl propanol, butylene glycol, sodium benzoate, dehydroacetic acid, sodium laureth sulfate, cellulose gum, caprylyl glycol, dicetyl phosphate, ceteth-10 phosphate, titanium dioxide, polymide-1, tetrasodium edta, potassium sorbate, tocopheryl acetate. May contain (+/ -): iron oxides (ci 77499).
網路價:189元,結帳享5%折扣後 180 元
可以包含:[+/-]:ci 77491,ci 77492,ci 77499,ci 77891。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bys/bys46173/u/3.jpg">
Complete with Full Size Mirror Cruelty Free Not Tested on Animals With an easy to blend powder formula the BYS Face Contour Palette is suitable for all skin tones and contains 6 universal shades that can be used to define, contour and highlight.
可以包含:[+/-]:ci 77491,ci 77492,ci 77499,ci 77891。
網路價:355元,結帳享5%折扣後 338 元
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bye/bye16408/u/0.jpg">
網路價:284元,結帳享5%折扣後 270 元
Talc, mica, magnesium stearate, silica, methyl methacrylate, crosspolymer, paraffinum liquidum, ethylhexyl palmitate, octyldodecanol, phenoxyethanol.
May contain: [+/-]: ci 15850, ci 15985, ci 16035, ci 19140, ci 45410, ci 77266 (nano), ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77510, ci 77742, ci 77891.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bys/bys51470/u/0.jpg">
Complete with Full Size Mirror Cruelty Free Colors Include:
Dream Gown Heir Baby Peach Butterfly Blossom Rosy Princess Queeny Sunswept Harmonious Knight
Talc, mica, magnesium stearate, silica, methyl methacrylate, crosspolymer, paraffinum liquidum, ethylhexyl palmitate, octyldodecanol, phenoxyethanol.
May contain: [+/-]: ci 15850, ci 15985, ci 16035, ci 19140, ci 45410, ci 77266 (nano), ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77510, ci 77742, ci 77891.
網路價:355元,結帳享5%折扣後 338 元
Talc, mica, magnesium stearate, methyl methacrylate, crosspolymer, silica, paraffinum liquidum, ethylhexyl palmitate, octyldodecanol, phenoxyethanol.
May contain: [+/-]: ci 15850, ci 16035, ci 19140, ci 45410, ci 77007, ci 77288, ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77510, ci 77742, ci 77891.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bys/bys51905/u/0.jpg">
Complete with Full Size Mirror Cruelty Free Colors Include:
Dream Gown Heir Baby Peach Butterfly Blossom Rosy Princess Queeny Sunswept Harmonious Knight
Talc, mica, magnesium stearate, methyl methacrylate, crosspolymer, silica, paraffinum liquidum, ethylhexyl palmitate, octyldodecanol, phenoxyethanol.
May contain: [+/-]: ci 15850, ci 16035, ci 19140, ci 45410, ci 77007, ci 77288, ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77510, ci 77742, ci 77891.
網路價:355元,結帳享5%折扣後 338 元
Mica, talc, magnesium stearate, polyethylene, octyldodecanol, kaolin, isononyl isononanoate, paraffinum liquidum, ethylhexyl palmitate, silica, polyisobutene, methyl methacrylate crosspolymer, phenoxyethanol. May contain: [+/-]: cl 16035, cl 77491, cl 77492, cl 77499, cl 77742, cl 77891.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bys/bys49304/u/3.jpg">
Complete with Full Size Mirror Cruelty Free Not Tested On Animals Colors Include:
Dainty Dazzling Slay Pamper Lavish Cheeky Peachy Dashing Devoted Enticing Brazen Flashy BYS Peaches Eyeshadow Palette features an array of 12 expertly chosen, highly pigmented matte & metallic eyeshadows. The 12 piece palette comes housed in a modern, embossed tin, featuring a mirror and 2 dual end applicators.
Mica, talc, magnesium stearate, polyethylene, octyldodecanol, kaolin, isononyl isononanoate, paraffinum liquidum, ethylhexyl palmitate, silica, polyisobutene, methyl methacrylate crosspolymer, phenoxyethanol. May contain: [+/-]: cl 16035, cl 77491, cl 77492, cl 77499, cl 77742, cl 77891.
網路價:355元,結帳享5%折扣後 338 元
Talc, mica, paraffinum liquidum, magnesium stearate, dimethicone, kaolin, silica, ethylhexyl palmitate, methylparaben, propylparaben, BHT, hydrogenated polyisobutene.
May contain: [+/-]: ci 16035, ci 42090, ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77742, ci 77891.
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bys/bys43859/u/0.jpg">
Colors Include:
Eight Runway Couture Vogue NYC Style Chic Collection Fancy Coco Model Late
Talc, mica, paraffinum liquidum, magnesium stearate, dimethicone, kaolin, silica, ethylhexyl palmitate, methylparaben, propylparaben, BHT, hydrogenated polyisobutene.
May contain: [+/-]: ci 16035, ci 42090, ci 77491, ci 77492, ci 77499, ci 77742, ci 77891.
網路價:355元,結帳享5%折扣後 338 元
清潔和乾燥皮膚。揭開貼片上的薄膜,將祛痘貼敷在瑕疵上。用力按下 10 秒鐘,讓祛痘貼穿透瑕疵。至少維持 6 小時。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bye/bye16400/u/0.jpg">
快速起效配方 水楊酸 + 透明質酸 + 茶樹油 含有 9 片清潔眼膜 微針眼膜在皮膚表面下提供抗痤瘡成分,以乾燥瑕疵。便於白天使用的眼膜。
清潔和乾燥皮膚。揭開貼片上的薄膜,將祛痘貼敷在瑕疵上。用力按下 10 秒鐘,讓祛痘貼穿透瑕疵。至少維持 6 小時。
網路價:369元,結帳享5%折扣後 351 元
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,微晶蠟,辛基十二醇,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,二氧化矽,食用香精(料),棕櫚酸乙基己酯,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,三山崳精,BHT,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、紅 6 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、黃 6 色澱 (ci 15985)。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bxm/bxm26351/u/0.jpg">
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,微晶蠟,辛基十二醇,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,二氧化矽,食用香精(料),棕櫚酸乙基己酯,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,三山崳精,BHT,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、紅 6 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、黃 6 色澱 (ci 15985)。
網路價:286元,結帳享5%折扣後 272 元
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,辛基十二醇,微晶蠟,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,二氧化矽,棕櫚酸乙基己酯,三山崳精,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,BHT,香精,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 6 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)。◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bxm/bxm26360/u/0.jpg">
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,辛基十二醇,微晶蠟,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,二氧化矽,棕櫚酸乙基己酯,三山崳精,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,BHT,香精,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 6 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)。
網路價:286元,結帳享5%折扣後 272 元
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,辛基十二醇,微晶蠟,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,二氧化矽,棕櫚酸乙基己酯,三山崳精,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,BHT,香精,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 6 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)。◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bxm/bxm26365/u/0.jpg">
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,辛基十二醇,微晶蠟,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,二氧化矽,棕櫚酸乙基己酯,三山崳精,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,BHT,香精,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 6 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)。
網路價:286元,結帳享5%折扣後 272 元
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,微晶蠟,辛基十二醇,二氧化矽,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,食用香精(料),棕櫚酸乙基己酯,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,生育酚乙酸酯,三山崳精,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,合成氟金雲母,氧化錫,BHT,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、紅 6 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、黃 6 色澱 (ci 15985)。◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bxm/bxm26359/u/0.jpg">
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,微晶蠟,辛基十二醇,二氧化矽,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,食用香精(料),棕櫚酸乙基己酯,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,生育酚乙酸酯,三山崳精,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,合成氟金雲母,氧化錫,BHT,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、紅 6 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、黃 6 色澱 (ci 15985)。
網路價:286元,結帳享5%折扣後 272 元
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,辛基十二醇,微晶蠟,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,二氧化矽,棕櫚酸乙基己酯,三山崳精,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,氧化錫,硼矽酸鈉鈣,硼矽酸鋁鈣,BHT,香精,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 6 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)。◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bxm/bxm34907/u/0.jpg">
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,辛基十二醇,微晶蠟,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,二氧化矽,棕櫚酸乙基己酯,三山崳精,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,氧化錫,硼矽酸鈉鈣,硼矽酸鋁鈣,BHT,香精,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 6 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)。
網路價:286元,結帳享5%折扣後 272 元
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,二氧化矽,微晶蠟,辛基十二醇,棕櫚酸乙基己酯,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,三山崳精,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,BHT,糖精鈉,二甲基甲矽烷基化矽石,丁二醇,棕櫚酸視黃酯,辛甘醇,透明質酸鈉,己二醇,棕櫚醯三肽-1,異硬脂酸,苯甲酸苄酯,苯甲醇,(日用)香精,食用香精(料),苯氧乙醇。可能含 (+/-):雲母、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、藍 1 色澱 (ci 42090)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、紅 6 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)。◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bxm/bxm40489/u/0.jpg">
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,二氧化矽,微晶蠟,辛基十二醇,棕櫚酸乙基己酯,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,三山崳精,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,BHT,糖精鈉,二甲基甲矽烷基化矽石,丁二醇,棕櫚酸視黃酯,辛甘醇,透明質酸鈉,己二醇,棕櫚醯三肽-1,異硬脂酸,苯甲酸苄酯,苯甲醇,(日用)香精,食用香精(料),苯氧乙醇。可能含 (+/-):雲母、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、藍 1 色澱 (ci 42090)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、紅 6 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)。
網路價:286元,結帳享5%折扣後 272 元
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,二氧化矽,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,微晶蠟,辛基十二醇,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,硼矽酸鈉鈣,食用香精(料),棕櫚酸乙基己酯,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,生育酚乙酸酯,三山崳精,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,硼矽酸鋁鈣,氧化錫,BHT,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、紅 6 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、黃 6 色澱 (ci 15985)。◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bxm/bxm34891/u/0.jpg">
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,二氧化矽,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,微晶蠟,辛基十二醇,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,硼矽酸鈉鈣,食用香精(料),棕櫚酸乙基己酯,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,生育酚乙酸酯,三山崳精,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,硼矽酸鋁鈣,氧化錫,BHT,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、紅 6 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、黃 6 色澱 (ci 15985)。
網路價:286元,結帳享5%折扣後 272 元
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,辛基十二醇,微晶蠟,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,二氧化矽,棕櫚酸乙基己酯,三山崳精,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,氧化錫,硼矽酸鈉鈣,硼矽酸鋁鈣,BHT,香精,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 6 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)。◎
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bxm/bxm34896/u/0.jpg">
氫化聚異丁烯,十三烷醇偏苯三酸酯,辛基十二烷基硬脂醯硬脂酸酯,聚甘油-2 二異硬脂酸酯,薄荷酮甘油縮酮,VP/十六碳烯共聚物,季戊四醇四異硬脂酸酯,辛基十二醇,微晶蠟,三羥甲基丙烷三異硬脂酸酯,二氧化矽,棕櫚酸乙基己酯,三山崳精,生育酚乙酸酯,山梨坦異硬脂酸酯,糖精鈉,棕櫚醯三肽-1,棕櫚酸視黃酯,氧化錫,硼矽酸鈉鈣,硼矽酸鋁鈣,BHT,香精,檸檬油精。可能含 (+/-):雲母、胭脂紅 (ci 75470)、二氧化鈦 (ci 77891)、氧化鐵 (ci 77491、ci 77492、ci 77499)、紅 6 (ci 15850)、紅 7 色澱 (ci 15850)、紅 28 色澱 (ci 45410)、紅 30 色澱 (ci 73360)、紅 33 色澱 (ci 17200)、黃 5 色澱 (ci 19140)、藍 1 色澱 (42090)。
網路價:286元,結帳享5%折扣後 272 元
1.展開面膜紙,對準眼睛和雙唇部位後將面膜紙平整地敷在面上(可根據個人喜好決定用後是否洗臉)。◎2.敷 55 秒。◎3.取下面膜並輕輕擦拭面部。按摩面部,讓剩餘的精華液完全吸收,效果更佳。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bts/bts56172/u/0.jpg">
植物精華面膜 20 種植物成分和日本產棉花製成 新鮮檸檬香 每日 1 片,每次敷 55 秒即可見證奇跡發生! 保濕 - 收縮毛孔 - 優化肌膚條件 7 重功效一步到位 — 潔面 + 柔膚 + 精華 + 乳液 + 面霜 + 濕敷 + 抵禦衰老 = 僅需 55 秒 喚醒肌膚,讓妝容更服帖,無需清潔即可擁有漂亮肌膚 包含 20 種精選植物精油和提取物 7 種有機提取物 4 種植物精油 5 種去角質植物提取物 4 種柔膚成分
1.展開面膜紙,對準眼睛和雙唇部位後將面膜紙平整地敷在面上(可根據個人喜好決定用後是否洗臉)。 2.敷 55 秒。 3.取下面膜並輕輕擦拭面部。按摩面部,讓剩餘的精華液完全吸收,效果更佳。
網路價:177元,結帳享5%折扣後 169 元
1.展開面膜紙,對準眼睛和雙唇部位後將面膜紙平整地敷在面上(可根據個人喜好決定用後是否洗臉)。◎2.敷 55 秒。◎3.取下面膜並輕輕擦拭面部。按摩面部,讓剩餘的精華液完全吸收,效果更佳。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bts/bts56171/u/0.jpg">
植物精華面膜 20 種植物成分和日本產棉花製成 新鮮檸檬香 每日 1 片,每次敷 55 秒即可見證奇跡發生! 7 重功效一步到位,潔面 + 柔膚 + 精華 + 乳液 + 面霜 + 濕敷 + 妝前 = 僅需 55 秒 包含 20 種精選植物精油和提取物 7 種有機提取物 4 種植物精油 5 種去角質植物提取物 4 種柔膚成分
1.展開面膜紙,對準眼睛和雙唇部位後將面膜紙平整地敷在面上(可根據個人喜好決定用後是否洗臉)。 2.敷 55 秒。 3.取下面膜並輕輕擦拭面部。按摩面部,讓剩餘的精華液完全吸收,效果更佳。
網路價:532元,結帳享5%折扣後 506 元
將少量本產品倒在化妝棉上或乾淨的手上,然後塗在已清潔的皮膚上。◎◎b.輕輕塗抹於面部和頸部,輕拍直至本產品被皮膚吸收。◎◎c.清潔後使用,然後塗潤膚霜和晚霜。◎◎建議使用方法 :每日早晚使用,效果更好。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bci/bci00014/u/14.jpg">
清潔美麗 經皮膚問題學測試 “零殘忍”且素食主義者 無毒 益處 :
膚質 :
關鍵成分 :
透明質酸鈉 煙醯胺 海藻糖 戴維森李子 澳洲檀香果 卡卡杜梅 橄欖角鯊烷 勝肽複合物 產品描述 :精華素煥顏精華優化膚色和膚質,提高皮膚屏障。它明顯優化皮膚的整體膚色,並有助於淡化色素沉著,黑斑和痘痘疤痕。深入滲透到皮膚中,輕盈的稠度可被肌膚迅速吸收。
將少量本產品倒在化妝棉上或乾淨的手上,然後塗在已清潔的皮膚上。 b.輕輕塗抹於面部和頸部,輕拍直至本產品被皮膚吸收。 c.清潔後使用,然後塗潤膚霜和晚霜。建議使用方法 :每日早晚使用,效果更好。
網路價:1,151元,結帳享5%折扣後 1,094 元
潔面並拍乾多餘水分。 從包裝中取出面膜,輕輕敷在面部和頸部。敷在乾燥肌膚上,用指尖輕輕固定面膜。 敷面膜並保留 15-20 分鐘。 取下面膜並妥善棄置。輕輕按摩面部和頸部,讓剩餘的精華液完全吸收,效果更佳。 為了達到更好的效果,建議每週使用兩至三次。
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/bci/bci00011/u/0.jpg">
超滋潤 密集補水 顯著提亮膚色,優化膚色不均等肌膚問題 提升肌膚彈性,讓肌膚變得細膩有光澤 皮膚科認可 適用於敏感皮膚 清潔美麗 零殘忍 無毒 面部 + 頸部面膜,一次性面膜 本面膜產品包含優效抗氧淨膚活性植物成分,有助於深層滋養肌膚,提亮膚色,優化膚質,讓您告別疲憊面容。本產品配方富含費氏欖仁——目前已知維生素 C 含量更高的水果,有助於密集補水,煥活肌膚,提亮膚色。
潔面並拍乾多餘水分。 從包裝中取出面膜,輕輕敷在面部和頸部。敷在乾燥肌膚上,用指尖輕輕固定面膜。 敷面膜並保留 15-20 分鐘。 取下面膜並妥善棄置。輕輕按摩面部和頸部,讓剩餘的精華液完全吸收,效果更佳。 為了達到更好的效果,建議每週使用兩至三次。
網路價:213元,結帳享5%折扣後 203 元
挪威蛙王,吳思賢小樂,黑熊漂浮照,cyndi 王建民,Ellaqohl0xga_i3210ovqpmbwaqc3dr7o
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