" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ybp/ybp00204/u/3.jpg">


  • Helps Feed Friendly Bacteria
  • Gluten Free
  • Non GMO Lab Tested
  • Premium Dietary Fiber Supplement

Take every day to promote colon health! Helps eliminate toxins and waste! Concentrated source of all 5 fiber types!

Colon Care promotes colon health with fiber, calcium, magnesium, selenium and FOS. These nutrients provide dietary support for normal, healthy functioning of the colon.

Colon Care supports regular elimination of toxins and waste material, promotes the growth of friendly bacteria, such as acidophilus and bifidus, and supports proper digestion.


Adults and Children Over 12: 1 heaping teaspoon, 1 to 3 times a day.

Children 6 -12: 1/2 to 1 level teaspoon, 1 to 3 times a day.

Start by taking 1 serving each day. Gradually increase to 3 servings per day if needed. Stir powder briskly into at least 8 ounces (a full glass) of liquid. Juice, water, soy or rice drink, and milk are all good with Probiotic Colon Care Formula. For easiest mixing, shake in a closed jar. Drink immediately. If product is too thick when consuming, add more liquid and stir. Drinking additional liquid is helpful. If minor gas or bloating occurs, reduce the amount you take until your system adjusts. Use every day for best results.

網路價:355元,結帳享5%折扣後 338


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 已獲得臨證研究支持†
  • 加強骨骼礦化作用
  • 保持骨骼密度
  • 補充膠原蛋白
  • 所做一切都是為了你們

膠原蛋白加上維生素 D3 和 K2 的優效混合物能夠滋養骨骼系統,支援強壯健康的骨骼。特別含有 Aquamin®,這是一種專有的海藻礦物複合物,含有生物活性鈣、鎂和 72 種微量礦物質。



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網路價:592元,結帳享5%折扣後 563


  • 膳食補充劑
  • 已獲得臨證研究支持†
  • 可能有助於減少掉發‡
  • 支持更強韌的頭髮
  • 補充膠原蛋白
  • 所做一切都是為了你們




每日一次或分次服用六 (6) 片迷你片。
網路價:592元,結帳享5%折扣後 563